Smarter Conversations on Mobile
RW Phone: iOS
RevenueWell Phone is a dental-specific VoIP solution for practices of all sizes. It is easy to use and creates a better call experience for practices and their patients. In 2021, we set out to create an iOS native application that allowed our users to take the power of RW Phone with them.
Adam Trybula
Lead Designer/ Manager
Kevin Bhagat
Product Designer
Derek Stiles
Product Designer
Breakdown of Features
🔍 Multi-Tasking
Users need to access different tools during a call to better resolve patient issues.
📱Full Call Functionality
Users need to have full call functionality available on their mobile devices
📮 Voicemail
Users need to keep track of missed calls, view patient profiles and call them back.
📇 Call History
Users need access to their own personal mailboxes.